Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Gospel

One of the most watered-down doctrines of Christianity has become the Gospel. It happens to be the most important. Many have perverted this beautiful truth into something man-centered where, instead of repentance and trusting solely in the saving grace of Jesus, you are told to walk an aisle, raise your hand, or join a church.

So what is the Gospel? The greatest news ever. Piper explains it here:
Repent and Believe

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Beginning of a New Ministry Tool

It's 11:30 p.m. and it's a miracle I'm still awake. It's been a long day of throwing ministry ideas back and forth, and then spending a hour co-teaching with Matt about the providence of God. Truthfully, I want to be asleep, but there is no way I can with the explosion of the idea (thanks Andy Blankenship) that blogging is a ministry tool and we have not been using it. Matt and I learn a lot together. Sometimes I leave the office thinking my head is going to explode because of the conversations Matt and I have about theology, marriage, and ministry. So this is our effort to let you into our minds (scary I know). Most of the time my posts will be funny... I'm the funny one. Most of the time Matt's posts will be deep... He's the deep one. Leave comments. Let's discuss thoughts. God will be glorified.

Ricky (The Bearded One)