Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mind Dump

I cannot stop thinking. Before I got to Ebenezer, whenever I needed to shutdown I could, but something happened that keeps my mind is constantly turning. I think about whatever is said (Matt calls it the constant filter we have running), whatever I'm reading in Scripture, whatever situations we're facing at church or in the home, and amazingly... I sometimes churn all this around in my head simultaneously. I think that is why my mind is so extremely cluttered at the end of the day. Here are some things I'm working through:
  • I'm reading through the Bible this year in a way I've never done it before. I'm just jumping from Old Testament to New in no certain order, and I'm really, really liking it this way. Is there a method any of you use that you've truly enjoyed?
  • I have a three year old that whines... a lot. Any suggestions to make him stop?
  • Family Worship... We all know we should be doing it. But my question is have any of you found a certain time that works better for your family? Morning or Evening?
  • When you come across a passage of Scripture that is difficult, what are your first steps in handling the text?
  • I remember watching NBC's "The Today Show" a while back where they interviewed some parents who had taught their newborns sign language and had potty trained them at an extremely young age. How nice would it be if John (my 5 month old) was potty trained?? Anybody who knows sign language can feel free to give me any tips on this.
Please feel free to shed a little light on some or all of these...


  1. With regards to family worship. I have found that it is best to do it at a time that suits you as a leader. For that reason we do it at night in our house. We also have a set time (6:30). If you don't have a set time you will find that your night slips away and you end up not doing it. Like anything else, you must plan for it to happen.

  2. Definitely evening for us too. The set time is where we... or I struggle.

  3. Regarding to the Sign Language Question, I have only started at age 21 but works with kids at church using sign language plus my sister started back in middle school. It's best to teach them at a young age because their minds are prime for learning (especially another language). Babies/Toddlers can learn once they understand what it means. In Fact, I have seen an 1 year old baby able to do some signing like the letters and thank you ect. It amazed me! And on a side note, you don't need a reason, it is just plain Fun. :)
