- Yesterday's worship service was insane. The choir sounded better than they ever had, Matt related God's omnipotence to our faith in a way I had never thought, and we got to pray for a hurting brother corporately. Good day.
- I thought a lot last night about why God would allow this sickness in Curtis to last for so stinking long. Back when all this started and throughout several years way before I even knew Curtis, I'm sure everyone thought that God was either going to heal him or take him home. But instead he has allowed him to battle this for a very extended period of time. We know God's ultimate purpose is His own glory, but along with bringing Himself glory in this trial, He has used Curtis to teach us perseverance, faith, compassion, and selflessness. Oh to see the big picture in everything...
- One of our 6th grade students memorized John 1:1-10 this past week. Hallelujah!!
- I'm going to write the last small group study for our D-Now today- "Christ-Centered is Cross-Centered". Sign-Up now!!
- I'm also preparing to fly to North Carolina to lead a small group and preach at Corinth Baptist Church in March. What will we be talking about? The Gospel pouring out of your very lifestyle... in words and in actions.
I know this is kind of random and scattered... welcome to my brain.
Ricky (the bearded one)
Are you going to have the youth memorize the sermon on the mount for a free trip to Six Flags like someone once tried on us? Noble goal meet lazy teenagers.